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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sharing a... Cup of White Coffee!

Our lives have changed tremendously with the Internet business boom. Instead of letters we send emails; instead watching the news on the TV we look through the YouTube; instead of reading the latest gossiping in the magazines we write it in a blog and share it at the social networks.

From passive eyes we became active voices that desire "Likes", "Comments", sharing our latest photos from the dinner in the fancy restaurant, the hot party in a trendy Club or from the weekend at the Countryside.
Basically, people share almost everything, from the smallest to the huge happening.

By the time that my relationship with social networks became deeply boring and distant... I found a new way of saying a lot without saying anything at all.

In the past few weeks I've became quite familiar with foursquare, or I should say... addicted! It's a kind of a social network where we have friends and share the places we are in a certain moment. We can add photos, tips and we also gather some points and special badges according to our performance. Then, our friends know where we are and doing what everytime we decide to share it. We can become Mayors of the places if we go often for several followed days.

After 52 friends, 14 Mayorships, 12 badges, 16 tips and 194 check-in's in two months, I am feeling completely addicted. Everytime I'm going somewhere I add the place at foursquare, watch where my friends are, read their tips and look at the photos. How thrilled I am everytime I share a new place, somewhere where I've never been before.

This is a bit weird and redundant. Why do I share with the world if I have lunch at Versailles and why am I so curious about where others are? Is this a question of having some time off or pure insanity? Is it an intriguing need of some voyerism in our lives or the recognition that even when we are busy, doing things and not alone we still feel... lonely?.... Or... is this the social generation virus that locks up our ego in a stage waiting for the public's applauses?

I finished my white coffee at Benard thinking about this. Still, I was updating my timeline at foursquare again with a photo of my cup of coffee to show I was really there! Mónica arrived five minutes later.

We've been talking for hours and time went by too quickly.
Definitely, I was not feeling alone. I left foursquare spending sometime alone in my bag waiting for... lonely moments or... moments filled with the strange need of shouting to strangers that the white coffee at Benard's it's great keeping to myself how great and fun my chat with Mónica was!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Seven Billion Humans!

About every second 5 people are born. 2 people die...
We live longer and... will our Planet be enough for all humans? Well, it won't be a question of space. Instead... Watch this video 'cause it's impressive!

Take Care.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

A Brand New... Time!

Wow! We are officially in 2011!
When I was a kid I used to watch the serial on TV called Space 1999. Now, I am in 2011! This tells me that I've lived already a lot! :) Or, better saying, many years.
By that time I had my head full of dreams and hopes but I was not woried about the future. These dreams were short or middle time things to aim. As a normal kid, I was living each day and minute as if nothing else mattered. Well, and it seems that this is the right and clever way to live, at least is what the personal development books say. Incredible happy and "busy", days used to take a long time to go by and years seemed to be longer than now.
What happen to my notion of time? Is this a problem of... getting older? I mean... more experient??...

Well... the fact is that, nowadays, my time goes too quickly for the things I usually do and years go by at a huge pace looking like the more quickly they go the less things I do!
There must be something wrong with my internal clock!
Today I was wondering about this while I was having my morning coffee at Nautic's and looking at the news on the paper. Suddendly, there was a voice coming from the television that stroke me and invaded the quietness of a sunday morning break as well as the relationship I have with my coffee: Cadilhe's just launched he's new book about Travelling. It's called The World is Easy.
I watched the full report about the book and then I went back to my coffee and... to myself!
These last days I have been thinking so much about my life and so many things had happened around me that I keep thinking about moving into another country and give a real change into my life.
One of my best friends - Inês - went to Barcelona in the last day of the year, she's going to live there. Another friend of mine - Alexandra - is thinking about going to Madrid during this year.
Facing the fact that I have no kinds, no stable professional life and no personal commitments, apart friends, why staying? Would departure to a different place bring a "sense of more" to my Time?...
Well, right now I don't know. But the question is that I keep thinking about this possibility and this means something. What I really know is that I do not travel for quite a long time and Cadilhe just brought back this wish of me. On the other hand, I also know (and feel) that my life is redundant and in a limbo. It clearly needs to change! And the only person that can do this it's... me, myself and I.

It's a brand new year, it's time to bring resolutions to life and make real changes and this is the year!
I want to moove away from limbo and feel my well spend time again, feeling alive and doing things that keep me happy and laughing as the kid I used to be.

There's a brand New Year to do it! It's about time to fulfill my time with a different kind of life. Just have to figure out... how.

Take Care.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Having Fun or Buying Fun?

Faltam apenas algumas horas para o final de mais um ano... Acho que nunca estive tão ansiosa por ver um ano pelas costas como em 2010.
Não sou fã das festas de passagem de ano. Sinto uma euforia um pouco histérica à minha volta, que fervilha pelas lojas em busca do acessório perfeito para esta noite, em particular. Interrogo-me o porquê desta euforia com data marcada. Afinal de contas, o que nos separa de outro ano é apenas... mais um dia. Porque razão se faz tanto alarido por causa de... um novo dia que, por insistência da passagem certeira do tempo, simplesmente nos acorda também para um novo ano?

Desde bem pequena que me lembro de como esta época é especial. Nascemos e tornamo-nos adultos habituados a este entusiasmo e continuamos pela vida fora a "correr" para encontrar um programa, um destino, e claro está, a "imagem" perfeita a condizer com a festa e o ambiente. 
Não acredito em celebrações com hora marcada e, se não me apetecer festejar, não festejo, apenas porque todas as outras pessoas estão a celebrar a passagem de um ano para o outro naquele dia. E porque não celebrar a passagem de cada dia, quando chega a meia-noite? Ou assinalar a passagem de cada mês? Nunca vi uma celebração a nível mundial para celebrar a chegada da Primavera, por exemplo!

Associado a estes eventos de final de ano, vem sempre o negócio. São muitos os restaurantes, os hotéis, as companhias aéreas que aproveitam esta época mais "festiva", "happy and gay", para refinar ementas, ofertas, e... preços, claro. Preços que variam entre os 200 e os 1200 euros. Claro, há quem gaste mais, e... muito menos.

Mas no final de tudo isto... entre a busca pela euforia vivida na multidão em uníssono com o Mundo e o stress emergente que esta urgência despoleta, pergunto-me se de facto as pessoas realmente celebram o que quer que seja e se divertem verdadeiramente ou... simplesmente pagam por um divertimento globalmente marcado no calendário, socialmente obrigatório, evitando assim o risco de se ser olhado de lado, caso não tenham um alibi divertido para a noite de todos os fins e de todos os inícios?... E se possível com fotos que comprovem a dita e que possam distribuir pelas galerias das redes sociais.
Será que a diversão se procura por ser mais uma forma de nos encaixarmos socialmente ou porque queremos (e temos vontade naquele dia) celebrar a ocasião? 
Nas opiniões que se recolhiam nas ruas de Nova Iorque eram várias as respostas a esta pergunta, sendo que a esmagadora maioria afirmavam que procuravam passar o tempo, nesse dia e sendo NY uma cidade gigantesca, certamente haveria sempre alguma coisa para distrair, ver ou fazer ao longo do último dia e noite do ano. Apenas uma minoria dizia querer, assumidamente, celebrar a "sobrevivência" à crisel global de 2010, justificando assim a sua aparente alegria.

De facto, "tristezas não pagam dívidas" e, nunca como agora, este ditado voltou à boca da população. A urgência pelo divertimento é um volte-face à esmagadora maioria dos dias em que as pessoas vivem vidas apáticas, um pouco cinzentas e monótonas, esquecidas de como tirar partido dos pequenos momentos. Acho que Humanidade necessita cada vez mais de grandes eventos para poder "distrair-se" e "passar o tempo" para, numa última investida, colorirem a sua vida, mesmo que por breves instantes.

Neste novo ano, com o cenário de uma crise agravada, talvez fosse importante trazer cores a todos os nossos dias porque... é importante reaprender e descobrir os pequenos prazeres nas conversas do dia, nas pessoas de quem se gosta, nos livros, numa música, em fotografias passadas, num bom vinho e num prato especial, na viagem para o trabalho, entre muitas outras coisas... Aprender ou reaprender a viver com menos, mas para usufruir mais.

Boas entradas em 2011.
Take care.


Countries & Cities Where I've Been.